Starter Pro Plus Corporate
Upcoming events limit 5 15 50 200
Communities Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Google analytics integration
Hide community members
Private community
Team admin roles & permissions
Sell tickets via Credit card
Bank Transfer
API connect
Price ¥1,650 per month (includes tax) ¥4,400 per month (includes tax) ¥8,800 per month (includes tax) ¥17,600 per month (includes tax)
Larger plans are also available. Contact us for details.

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Online ticketing fees

Doorkeeper lets participants use a credit card to pay online for tickets. The money will go directly to your Stripe account, giving you access to the funds before the event starts. For this functionality, we collect a small transaction fee. No processing fees apply for free tickets, at the door tickets, and tickets paid via bank transfer.

Free Tickets


At The Door Tickets


Prepaid Tickets

¥99 + 2.5%

In addition to Doorkeeper's fees, Stripe fees also apply.
Example of prepaid ticket transaction fees for Stripe
Fee participant pays ¥5,000
Doorkeeper transaction fee -¥224
Stripe transaction fee (3.60%) -¥180
After fees you receive ¥4,596
※ Transaction fees vary by country and Stripe account type. These numbers are only to serve as an example.

Mizuho Oyama

Organizer of Re:Creator's Kansai

With features like multiple ticket types, messaging participants, and online check-in, Doorkeeper has everything I need as an event organizer. Thanks to Doorkeeper, organizing my seminars is no longer a chore.

Yutaka Yamada

Organizer of Go Japan Splunk User Group

Doorkeeper is easy and intuitive to use for events of any size, and alleviates many of the management challenges facing organizers.

Kohji Tanaka

Organizer of Co-Edo Developers

As an organizer, you need not only plan for the day of the event, but also to follow up after the event has finished, encouraging continued involvement of your participants. Doorkeeper's member management and mail capabilities make this both efficient and allow you to grow your customer base.