
A new design for your community pages

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

In our continued quest to offer a simple and smooth experience for registering for your events, we’ve redesigned your public community pages.

An emphasis on your event content

The new design makes the focus of your event page be the content of the event itself, while still highlighting that it is part of a larger community. We’ve also reorganised the content of the event page to make it easier to read at a glance.

A standardized size for your event photo

A good photo for your event quickly gives people an impression of what your event is about. We’ve found that wide photos works best, as they avoid pushing down the content of your event too much. In the past, we left the dimensions of your photo untouched. Going forward though, we’ll start resizing photos to an optimal size for the layout.

For existing event photos, we’ll leave them as is for now, so you don’t need to worry about existing photos being cropped in an unexpected way. This also means that existing event photos don’t take advantage of the full width the new design allows. If you want an existing event photo to take up the full width of the page, please re-uploaded the photo.

For the contents of the photo itself, we recommend using a photo that looks good even when cropped. This photo is not only used within Doorkeeper, but also on social media sites, such as Facebook, where it might automatically be resized. Because of this, if you use text on the photo, we’d suggest keeping it minimal and in the center of the image. This way, even if it does end up being cropped, it will stay readable.

Thanks to our friends at AQ

Our redesign was done in collaboration with AQ. We’re looking forward to continue working with them to improve the design and user experience of Doorkeeper.