Find new events and communities
Monday, August 12, 2013
We all love discovering awesome new events to meet new people and to learn new things. So we are now starting to suggest communities and events which are related to your interests.
You can find your suggested communities in the left sidebar on your personalized home page, for instance:

And below your upcoming events on your personalized home page, we list the next events from your communities and suggested communities:

Our recommendation system is based on the members shared between the communities. So for instance, if you are a member of the Tokyo Rubyist Meetup you will see events and communities where other members of the Tokyo Rubyist Meetup are participating.
We hope you’ll love this great way of discovering new events and communities on Doorkeeper, but please let us know your thoughts and ideas. We’ll continue to fine tune this, so you can find the best communities and events out there with ease.