An apology for an issue affecting the purchase of tickets for Sapporo Ruby Kaigi 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Hello everyone,
This is Paul, one of the creators of Doorkeeper. This announcement is about an issue which affected people which were on the waitlist for Sapporo Ruby Kaigi 2012. Other events on Doorkeeper were unaffected by this issue.
The bottom line is: we screwed up. Because of a recently introduced glitch, people coming off the waitlist did not get a chance to pay for the event, as they were canceled within a few minutes. This caused a chain of cancellations on the waitlist.
For the event, Sapporo Ruby Kaigi 2012, a total of 14 people were affected. For Sapporo Ruby Kaigi Official Reception Party, a total of 45 people were affected. We are very sorry for the shock it must have caused these people to receive an email saying they could attend the event, and soon after one saying that they did not pay in time.
We are truly sorry to all those affected by this issue, and we are ashamed that we have caused so much trouble for our peers in the Ruby community.
After realizing the issue, we immediately fixed it, and are now working with the sprk2012 organization team to determine how best to address this situation. We will also follow up with those affected by this issue individually.
Again, we are very sorry to all affected.
Best Regards, Paul