Several small improvements
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Responding to user feedback, we've rolled out several small improvements to Doorkeeper in the last few days.
A major improvement is the ability to copy and delete events. The copy function allows you to create a new event from an existing one with one click. This makes holding regular events much easier.
For event administration, we removed the "archiving" action. Instead, we added a function to "close the check-in", which means no more check-ins for the event are permitted. Sending updates to participants for follow up or editing the event itself is still possible after closing the check-in (this was not possible for archived events).
And last but not least, two improvements to the community pages: The first one is about the event list displayed on each community page. There is now a clear distinction between future and past events, making it easy for your visitors to learn more about your event history. Second, in the About box we now automatically add the Twitter Follow button if you set up a Twitter name in your community settings.
Thanks to everyone for your support. We value your opinions and welcome any feedback and questions.